
Description of aluminum wafer processing products


Aluminum wafers are also ubiquitous in our daily lives, such as various home appliance shells, as well as various electronic and automotive products. The weight and strength of aluminum strip are not high. Although the strength of pure aluminum is not high, it can be doubled by cold working. Moreover, by adding alloy elements and further strengthening through heat treatment, its strength can be comparable to high-quality alloy steel. Aluminum is easy to process and can be cast using any casting method. Aluminum has good plasticity and can be rolled into thin sheets and foils, drawn into pipes and fine wires, and processed using various machine tools. Aluminum wafers are usually packaged using a well shaped frame, which is mostly made of wood and consists of two wooden blocks at the top and bottom. The height of the lower block can meet the operational requirements of forklifts.


Usually, we process the aluminum coil on the machine, and then have a professional aluminum wafer processing technician adjust the data and calibrate the equipment accuracy. After being operated by a professional processing technician, the required aluminum wafer mold is then put on the machine. Before starting the processing of aluminum wafer equipment, it is necessary to conduct an overall inspection of the aluminum wafer equipment and confirm that there are no errors before starting production. Afterwards, the finished aluminum wafers produced will be accurately packaged and packaged. After confirmation, they will be labeled with the labels we produce. So the entire aluminum wafer processing process is also our professional production process as an aluminum wafer manufacturer.

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