
For chemical raw material packaging bags, choose aluminum foil bags for packaging.


Chemical raw materials are a kind of material produced by industry, and there are many kinds of chemical raw materials, and their uses are relatively wide, whether it is civilian or military use, they need to be used, and there are millions of chemical products, some Corrosive or not, the times are developing, substances are being manufactured, various types of chemical raw materials emerge in an endless stream every year, and chemical raw materials can be divided into many kinds, and how to choose chemical raw material packaging bags? What kind of packaging should I choose? The packaging bags of chemical raw materials are aluminum foil bags, because aluminum foil bags have various functional requirements, which fully meet the packaging and transportation requirements of chemical raw materials. What are the characteristics of aluminum foil bags? Let's follow the editor of "kk Aluminum Industry", an aluminum foil bag manufacturer, to find out.

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Chemical raw materials are generally divided into organic chemical raw materials and inorganic chemical raw materials, such as organic chemical raw materials: can be divided into alkanes and their derivatives, alkenes and their derivatives, alkynes and derivatives, quinones, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones Classes, phenols, ethers, anhydrides, esters, organic acids, carboxylates, carbohydrates, heterocycles, nitriles, halogens, amides, and others. Inorganic chemical raw materials include: chemical minerals such as sulfur, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium (see inorganic salt industry), coal, oil, natural gas, air, water, etc. Generally, chemical raw materials are dangerous and highly corrosive. Packaging bags are required in transportation and packaging or in the production process. Those that meet these characteristics can meet these requirements. The aluminum foil bag is a packaging. The bag is more suitable. The aluminum foil bag has the characteristics of high barrier property, airtightness, toughness, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, waterproof, moisture-proof, anti-static, and puncture resistance. General chemical raw materials can be satisfied.


Chemical raw materials are a kind of dangerous goods. Generally, the requirements for packaging bags are relatively high. The aluminum foil bags recommended by Xiaobian can generally be satisfied. Some ordinary packaging bags generally cannot meet these needs, while chemical aluminum foil The general material and size of the bag need to be customized. Tell the manufacturer of the specified requirements and functionality. The manufacturer will recommend composite materials according to the corresponding functionality. The size can also be customized according to your actual use. Buy aluminum foil bags When the time comes, you must look for the manufacturer, and the manufacturer looks for "kk aluminum industry".

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