
What is colored aluminum coil?


The so-called color coated aluminum coil refers to the coloring of the surface of aluminum alloy. Because the performance of aluminum alloy is very stable and not easy to be corroded, the general surface layer can be guaranteed not to fade for at least 30 years after special treatment. More because its density is small, hardness is tall, the weight of unit volume is the lightest in metallic material, and colour is changeful, and won't face model steel to always be questioned from beginning to end "toxic" 2 words. So in high-grade real estate doors and Windows, sun room, balcony packaging and other fields are widely used. Now, color coated aluminum coil has become one of the most popular top decorative materials. It is an environmentally friendly, durable and beautiful green product. As a decorative material has the following incomparable advantages of other products: uniform color, bright and clean, strong adhesion, durable, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, weathering resistance, decay resistance, friction resistance, uv resistance, strong weather resistance.


Fluorocarbon coating aluminum coil: fluorocarbon coating is PVDF resin mainly refers to vinylidene fluoride homopolymer or vinylidene fluoride and a small amount of other vinyl fluoride monomer copolymer coating. The chemical structure of fluoric acid base material is bound by fluorine/carbonization bond. The stability and firmness of the chemical structure make the physical properties of fluorocarbon coatings different from ordinary coatings. In addition to the mechanical properties of wear resistance, impact resistance has excellent performance, especially in harsh weather and environment shows a long time of fade resistance, uv resistance. After high temperature barbecue film, the molecular structure of the coating is close, with super weather resistance. Fluorocarbon coating can be divided into traditional fluorocarbon coating and nano fluorocarbon coating according to the surface film formation structure.


Pennwalt Chemical Company was the first to introduce fluorocarbon coatings for the interior and exterior aluminum coating of upscale buildings in 1965. The wide selection of colors, solemn American appearance, and durability add luster to many magnificent curtain wall buildings around the world. Coating manufacturers began to guarantee the service life of coatings for 10 years, 15 years to more than 20 years. The research of fluorocarbon coatings and super coating, coating tested compared commonly, coating samples respectively in the United States, Florida hot sun, and under the humid environment containing salt air exposure for 12 years, proves to be of fluorine carbon coating stability and durability, 30 and 80% more than the other two kinds of coating Fluorocarbon coating ensures the use in a variety of harsh environments. Especially suitable for indoor and outdoor decoration of public places, commercial chain, exhibition and advertising decoration and display.

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