
Application of 5083 ultra-wide aluminum plate


5083 ultra-wide aluminum plate is widely used in the tank car material part, because the tank car is generally long, in the length of 4-12.5 meters. The carrying capacity of the tank is also relatively large, taking the tank car as an example, there are more than 4 kinds of capacity specifications, there are 2 tons, 8 tons, 10 tons, 30 tons, etc., the tank car volume also has the size of the points. For example, the volume of small oil tanker is 3000L-5000L, which is used for small distribution and used in factories and construction sites. The volume of ordinary oil tanker is about 18,000-23000L, which is used for general gas stations or large factories. The volume of tractor tank truck is generally about 40,00L, which is generally used for oil distribution of large gas stations. At present, more than 90% of the aluminum plates used in oil trucks and other tank cars are welded with 5083 ultra-wide aluminum plates.


The commonly used width of 5083 ultra-wide aluminum plate purchased by tank truck enterprises is 2.2 meters, and the thickness is 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm. A tank truck usually uses 4-6 pieces of ultra-wide aluminum plate splicing. Aluminum tankers are about 20% lighter than steel tankers of the same size, but deliver 30% more. At the same time, due to the high strength and corrosion resistance, wear resistance and other characteristics of the 5083 alloy used in the aluminum tank truck, the aluminum alloy tank car welded with 5083 ultra-wide aluminum plate is more wear resistant and durable, and has a long life. More economical and environmentally friendly. Especially in recent years, the government has increased the advocacy of all-aluminum tank cars and the environmental demand for energy conservation and emission reduction. The demand for 5083 ultra-wide aluminum plate is further improving, and the domestic aluminum plate of 5083 tank cars is rapidly expanding.

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