
Point Solution Coloring of 5052 Alloy Aluminum Plate


5052 alloy aluminum plate is widely used because of its good decorative properties after electrolysis, especially in the building materials industry, its surface will be treated accordingly. According to the understanding of the aluminum plate manufacturer, the main process is to use tin nickel mixed salt electrolytic coloring, and the color of the products manufactured is mainly champagne color, which is more bright in product color than monochrome coloring, and more full in color.
During the extrusion process, oxidation coloring will change to some extent, mainly due to the influence of die design, extrusion speed, extrusion temperature and cooling mode of 5052 alloy aluminum plate. The mold design shall be able to fully blend the incoming materials, otherwise the defects of bright (dark) bands may occur easily, and color separation may occur on the same profile; At the same time, the mold state and extrusion lines on the profile surface also affect the oxidation and coloring. Different extrusion temperature, speed, cooling method and cooling time will lead to uneven structure and color difference.


Anodic oxidation will have a great impact on the color difference of electrolytic coloring, especially in the production process of vertical oxidation line, it is easy to have two colors. The vertical oxidation tank is 7.5m deep, and the temperature difference between the upper and lower tank solutions is easy to occur. The temperature has an important impact on anodic oxidation. The temperature is high, the dissolution of the oxidation tank solution on the oxide film is intensified, and the pore diameter of the porous anodic oxide film surface will increase. On the contrary, the pore diameter of the porous anodic oxide film surface is smaller.
In addition, the higher the temperature is, the higher the porosity of the anodic oxide film will be, the more violent the dissolution will be, and the pore diameter of the anodic oxide film surface will become larger. The aluminum plate manufacturer has learned that the main principle of electrolytic coloring is to make the metal ions in the coloring solution conduct electrochemical reduction reaction on the surface of the barrier layer in the pores of the oxide film, so that the metal ions in the coloring solution are deposited at the bottom of the pores of the anodic oxide film, scattering the incident light and showing different colors. The more substances are deposited in the pores, the darker the color is.

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