
Rust removal and water stain removal of aluminum plate


Aluminum plate is mainly used for lighting, solar reflector, building appearance, ceiling, furniture, cabinets, elevators, signs, nameplates, bags, car interior and exterior decoration, etc. It is widely used, and aluminum plate can be used easily and quickly. In addition, aluminum plate can be processed into a variety of materials, but sometimes it will inevitably rust, and there are water stains. Next, we will share the rust removal and water stain removal methods of aluminum plate manufacturers.


The aluminum plate manufacturer shared that during rust removal, the stains can be wiped with 15% acetic acid solution, or the contaminated part can be soaked in this solution, and then rinsed with clean water after a few hours. Or use 10% citric acid solution to wet the contaminated area, then soak it in concentrated brine, and wash and rinse it the next day. It can also be removed by scrubbing with 2% oxalic acid solution in warm water, and then washing clothes thoroughly with clean water to prevent oxalic acid from corroding clothes. When there is little oil on the aluminum surface, oil removal and film removal can be treated together. If the oil stain on the surface is very thick, the oil shall be removed first, and then the oxide film shall be removed. Otherwise, the oil removal and film removal will not be complete, which will affect the subsequent process and may reduce the quality of surface treatment. Remove water stains: first wash the surface of aluminum plate with a large amount of water to remove impurities, dust, etc. Soak the soft cotton cloth in the detergent concentrated by water, and then wipe the surface of the aluminum plate. After wiping, wash the surface of the aluminum plate with a large amount of water to wash away the dirt. Check the cleaned aluminum plate, and wash the area that is still not clean with detergent again. After cleaning, wash the surface of the aluminum plate with clean water until the detergent is completely washed away. At this time, the surface of the aluminum plate will take on a new look.


The above is the rust removal and water stain removal methods for aluminum plate manufacturers. I believe you have a general understanding of the rust removal and water stain removal methods for aluminum plate manufacturers after reading them, and do a good job of rust removal and water stain removal measures. The rust removal and water stain removal methods for aluminum plate manufacturers listed above are expected to help you, and you can check them if necessary.

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