
The cause of pressing aluminum plate brittle


Pressure aluminum plate is a kind of aluminum plate is more commonly used, we may have one or two of them are easy to be brittle when we use them, so, what is the cause of pressure aluminum plate brittle? Let's take a look at it in detail:

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1, pressure type aluminum plate storage environment, usually this type of pressure aluminum plate will be certain corrosion, because aluminum is a kind of unstable metal, if the metal appearance will form a certain change
2. The section design of the mouth die is unreasonable, especially the distribution of the inner ribs and the processing of the interface view point. This creates an appearance of stress convergence, requiring improved design and the elimination of right angles and acute angles at the interface.
3, the mouth mold is not uniform, forming the thickness of the profile wall is not consistent, perhaps the density is not consistent. This also forms the mechanical function of the different profiles between the two surfaces, as for the wall thin non-standard profiles here is no longer said.
4, due to the poor formation of the shunt bar set function reduction. This situation should be appropriate to add tendons and outer appearance, tendons and the length of the confluence, perhaps to solve the tightening ratio, mold head pressure can be changed by changing the straight length of the mold head to adjust the flow resistance.
In the mold design stage can choose different compression ratio to change the extrusion pressure, but pay attention to the head compression ratio and extruder screw compression ratio to adapt; Also can change the formula, adjust the extrusion skill parameters, add porous plate to change the size of the melt pressure.

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5, the difference in water temperature when commodity cooling, usually cooling water on the pressure aluminum plate forming has a certain influence, can make the macromolecular chain of the profile timely cooling finalize the design, to achieve good finalize the effect.
6, the deployment of metal content is not reasonable, present the difference on the hardness, of pressed aluminum plate is most of the material, the inside of the alloy composition is different, the function of commodity will be part of the difference, so the metal material for scientific and reasonable allocate will bring very good commodities, improve the function of the goods.

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The above is the cause of pressing aluminum plate brittleness, if there is pressing aluminum plate brittleness, should be adjusted in time to ensure the quality of pressing aluminum plate.

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