
5182 aluminum plate for automobile


5182 aluminum alloy is a non heat treatment strengthening alloy, which has magnesium atom solution strengthening and grain refinement strengthening. After being placed at room temperature, it is easy to appear Ludes strip when stretching, which causes surface wrinkling after stamping forming and affects the appearance. Because it is a non heat treated alloy with poor strength, it will soften during baking. It is mostly used for automobile inner plates. Due to its good painting and corrosion resistance, the automobile manufacturers use it most.

5182 aluminum plate is usually used for four doors and two covers of automobiles, as well as doors and front and rear covers of automobiles.


Among them, the role of the automobile hood should not be underestimated. While reducing engine noise, the automobile hood can also isolate the heat generated by the engine during operation, effectively protect the paint on the hood surface, prevent aging, and protect the engine and surrounding pipeline accessories. Underhood is an important part of the car, including the engine, circuit, brake system and transmission system, which are crucial to the vehicle. By improving the strength and structure of the hood, it can fully prevent adverse factors such as impact, corrosion, rain and electrical interference, and fully protect the normal operation of the vehicle. The corrosion resistance of 5182 aluminum plate determines that the automobile hood is "not used for other purposes".

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