
The importance of aluminum plate coating


Painting is an important process in the manufacturing of aluminum plate manufacturers' products. The quality of painting directly affects the decorative effect of aluminum plates. There are four main factors that affect the quality of aluminum plate painting:
1. Raw materials
The wholesale manufacturers of coatings and aluminum plates are factors that affect the quality of the coating process. Due to color differences between coating batches, insufficient coating fineness and low coating rate, poor coordination between coatings and solvents, layering, and other factors, the coating effect can be directly affected. The unevenness of the aluminum substrate, uneven film thickness, and poor edge deflection can also directly affect product quality and overall use. Therefore, strict control should be exercised when selecting raw materials


2. Environment
The interior of the painting room is required to be clean, dustproof, insect proof, and with certain ventilation performance, ensuring that the surface quality of the aluminum plate coating is not contaminated. At the same time, the process conditions should be changed in a timely manner due to temperature changes
3. Equipment
The coating line requires the coating equipment to be in good condition, and the coating equipment must operate smoothly without horizontal or vertical shaking. The coating rollers must be finely ground. The lateral runout of the coating machine rollers must be controlled within the allowable range, otherwise it will seriously affect the surface quality of the coating.

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4. Process
The coating process has a close relationship with the quality of the coating, and it is required to control the relative linear velocity ratio of the coating roller, paint lifting roller, measuring roller, and substrate within a certain range. According to different systems and film thicknesses of coating products, a certain viscosity range should be set for the coating to ensure smooth coating and promote product quality improvement. The curing process and oven control of the coating must be controlled according to requirements and must not be arbitrarily changed, otherwise it will seriously affect the color difference and performance of the coating product.

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