
Advantages of Aluminum Veneer Used for Exterior Wall Insulation


In the cold winter, the insulation of the exterior wall is particularly important! Aluminum veneer, which has always been known to us, is a good choice for thermal insulation, because it can not only keep warm, but also conform to the development trend of low-carbon life in our country, save energy and protect the environment, and its installation effect is beautiful and generous. So, what are the advantages of aluminum veneer for external wall insulation? Let's give a brief introduction here:


1. Aluminum veneer can meet the requirements of energy saving, and obviously improve the living comfort and indoor thermal stability.

2. The damp condition of the wall is improved. In order to prevent condensation, the inner insulation layer needs to be provided with an air layer, while the outer insulation layer does not need to be provided, and the insulation material will not be damp under the protection of the exterior curtain wall surface layer. At the same time, the outer insulation layer increases the temperature of the whole wall of the structural layer and reduces its humidity, thus improving the insulation performance of the wall.


3. It is beneficial to improve the environmental quality at room temperature. Due to the large heat capacity of the solid wall inside, the external insulation layer on the wall slows down the indoor temperature change, and the room temperature is stable, which is beneficial to energy saving. In summer, the external insulation material can reduce the transmission of solar radiation heat and the influence of high outdoor temperature, thus making the building warm in winter and cool in summer.

4. It can increase the convenient area of the house, and the shoulder effect increases the indoor area by nearly 1% compared with the internal insulation technology.


5. The keel connection method is safe and reliable, especially suitable for high-rise buildings. The construction is not affected by the seasons, and the operation is convenient. It solves the problems of wall cracking and hollowing caused by previous external thermal insulation wet work. Besides, the keel and embedded parts used in the building are easy to process. The fasteners are basically standard composite aluminum plates, which are industrial products, and the thermal insulation materials are fixed-point quality.

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