
Basic types of aluminum and aluminum alloy corrosion


Knowledge of aluminum application

1. Spot corrosion Pitting corrosion, also known as pitting corrosion, is a local corrosion form that produces needlepoint, pitting and pitting on metal. Pitting corrosion is a unique form of anodic reaction, and it is an autocatalytic process, that is, the conditions caused by the corrosion process in the pitting hole keep the corrosion going.

2. uniform corrosion In the solution of phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide, the oxide film on it will dissolve, and uniform corrosion will occur, and the dissolution rate is also uniform. The temperature of the solution increases and the solute concentration increases, which promotes the corrosion of aluminum.


3. crevice corrosion Crevice corrosion is a localized corrosion.Metal parts are in electrolyte solution,as a gap is formed between metal and metal or metal and non-metal, its width makes the medium immersed and the medium is in a stagnant state, and the phenomenon of aggravating the corrosion inside the crevice is called crevice corrosion.

4. stress corrosion cracking(SCC) SCC of aluminum alloys was discovered in the early 1930s. A kind of damage that occurs in metal under the combined action of stress (tensile stress or internal stress) and corrosive medium, which is called SCC. SCC is characterized by the formation of corrosion-mechanical cracks that can either develop along grain boundaries or propagate through grains. Since the crack propagation is inside the metal, the strength of the metal structure will be greatly reduced, and sudden damage will occur in severe cases. SCC occurs under certain conditions, they are: tensile stress or residual stress inside the metal.


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