
What are the advantages of automotive aluminum panels?


What are the advantages of automotive aluminum panels?
1. Good formability. The forming process of car bodies and covering sheet metal parts is achieved through stamping, and aluminum alloy sheets should have good stamping formability, namely low yield ratio and high forming limit, and have considerable forming space under various stamping deformation stress states.
2. Strong surface smoothness. Aluminum alloy sheets must have good flanging ductility and consistent surface color after forming, that is, the surface of the formed sheet metal parts does not have flat lines or sliding lines, which are caused by uneven grain size or uneven distribution of inclusions, resulting in uneven surface deformation of the sheet metal, resulting in inconsistent surface gloss after painting.


3. Good weldability. Good weldability can meet the requirements of welding and processing automotive components connected together after forming. The sheet metal should have anti-aging stability to ensure that there is no aging from the factory until stamping production, and to prevent the yield point of the material from rising during stamping processing, which can cause uneven surface deformation and wrinkling caused by the Lude strip, thereby affecting the surface quality of the automotive outer panel.
4. Excellent baking hardenability. The lightweight of automobiles also requires high baking hardenability of the sheet metal, which means that the yield strength of the sheet metal increases significantly after stamping deformation and paint baking, thereby ensuring high resistance to concavity of the stamped and painted sheet metal parts. The paint baking process of aluminum alloy sheet metal is compatible with the current paint baking process of steel plate stamping parts.


The use of aluminum is very extensive, just like the aforementioned automotive aluminum plate, which is just one of the many ways of using aluminum. Aluminum itself has excellent performance, and when used as automotive aluminum plate, it also has more performance, which can meet many occasions of use. Have you understood the relevant advantages of automotive aluminum panels through the reading of the above content? There are other ways to use aluminum, which also have excellent performance. Welcome to consult.

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