
What does automotive aluminum include?


In theory, the metal parts of the entire car can basically be made of aluminum alloys.
Aluminum alloy is a kind of non-ferrous metal structural material widely used in industry, and has been widely used in aviation, aerospace, automobile, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding and construction industries. With the rapid development of the industrial economy, the demand for aluminum alloy welded structural parts is increasing, and the research on the weldability of aluminum alloys has also deepened.


Aluminum alloy has low density, but relatively high strength, close to or surpassing steel, good plasticity, can be processed into various aluminum profiles, has excellent electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance, widely used in industry, second only to steel . Some aluminum alloys can be heat treated to obtain good mechanical properties, physical properties and corrosion resistance. Hard aluminum alloy belongs to AI-Cu-Mg system, generally contains a small amount of Mn, and can be strengthened by heat treatment. It is characterized by high hardness, but poor plasticity. Super hard aluminum belongs to the Al-Cu-Mg-Zn system, which can be strengthened by heat treatment and is the aluminum alloy with the highest strength at room temperature. However, the corrosion resistance is poor, and the high temperature softens quickly. Forged aluminum alloys are mainly Al-Zn-Mg-Si alloys. Although there are many types of elements added, the content is small, so they have excellent thermoplasticity and are suitable for forging, so they are also called forged aluminum alloys.


At present, the most common applications in automobiles are:
1. All-aluminum engine. There are many models used, so I won't list them one by one.
2. All-aluminum body. The more common one is the Audi A8.
3. Wheel hub.
4. Some parts. Such as horns, swing arms, etc. in the suspension system.
5. Some peripheral products. Such as roof racks, etc.
The advantage of aluminum alloy is that it is light, but the cost is also high, and there are some limitations in physical properties, and the current application in automobiles is also limited.

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