
What is the purpose of aluminum?


Aluminum has various excellent properties, so it has an extremely wide range of uses. A detailed introduction is as follows:
1. Aerospace aluminum materials: used for making aircraft skins, fuselage frames, beams, rotors, propellers, mailboxes, wall panels, and landing gear pillars, as well as rocket segment rings, spacecraft wall panels, etc.
2. Aluminum materials for electronic appliances are mainly used in various fields such as busbars, wiring, conductors, electrical components, refrigerators, cables, etc. Aluminum foil for air conditioners has excellent deep drawing performance, high strength, and good extensibility, reaching the level of imported similar products; Fill in the domestic blank with high-performance electrolytic capacitor foil.


3. Packaging aluminum: All aluminum can making materials are a symbol of a country's aluminum processing level. Aluminum materials are mainly used as metal packaging materials in the form of thin sheets and foils, making cans, caps, bottles, barrels, and packaging foils.
4. Aluminum materials for building decoration: Aluminum alloys are widely used in building frames, doors and windows, suspended ceilings, decorative surfaces, etc. due to their excellent corrosion resistance, sufficient strength, excellent industrial performance, and welding performance.
5. Aluminum for printing: The printing industry has bid farewell to "lead and fire" and entered the era of "light and electricity". Aluminum based PS plates have provided strong support for this transformation in the printing industry.

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