
Analysis of Performance Requirements for Aluminum Plates Used in Automobile and Rail Transit


The Performance of Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Plate for Vehicle Body
With the increasing use of aluminum sheet materials in automobiles, rail transit, and other fields, the performance of vehicles is gradually provided, and the performance of aluminum alloy sheets for vehicle bodies is also improved. The editor of Shandong Taige Aluminum Industry will introduce several aspects to you:
Aluminum plates used for vehicle bodies and rail transit should not only meet the mechanical and corrosion resistance requirements of standards and specifications, but also have the following properties.


A. Good formability
The forming process of car bodies and covering sheet metal parts has been transferred from the aviation manufacturing industry. Aluminum alloy sheets formed through stamping should have good formability, namely low yield ratio and high forming limit, and have considerable forming space under various stamping deformation stress states.
B. Good surface smoothness
Aluminum alloy sheets must have good flanging ductility and consistent surface color after forming, that is, the surface of the formed sheet metal parts should not have any rolling lines, i.e. sliding lines. It is caused by uneven grain size or uneven distribution of inclusions on the surface of the board, resulting in uneven surface deformation and uneven luster after painting.


C. Good weldability
Good toughness can meet the requirements of connecting and welding automotive components after forming. The sheet metal should have anti-aging stability to ensure that there is no aging from the factory until stamping production, and to prevent the yield point of the material from rising during stamping processing, leading to uneven surface deformation and wrinkling, thereby affecting the surface quality of the automotive outer panel.
D. Excellent baking hardenability
The lightweight of automobiles also requires aluminum sheet metal to have high baking hardenability, which means that the yield strength of the sheet metal increases significantly after stamping deformation and paint baking, thereby ensuring high resistance to concavity of the stamped and painted sheet metal parts.

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